3 Mistakes I Made as a First-time Dog Caregiver

As an aspiring or a first-time dog caregiver, there are certain pitfalls that one can unwittingly fall into. Here, I highlight three of these common missteps from my own experience, offering guidance to help you steer clear and ensure a smoother, happier journey of dog companionship.

1. Underestimating the Responsibility of Canine Care

For most of my life, dogs existed in a different realm, far removed from my everyday concerns. They were either fierce guardians of the yard, intimidating intruders, or they were fluffy accessories adorning the arms of the wealthy. These deeply ingrained misconceptions meant that when my husband suggested getting a dog to alleviate my loneliness during his work hours, I hesitated. Fears stemming from a past encounter with a dog bite incident played on my mind. However, my husband’s passionate assurance of the joy a dog could bring eventually persuaded me.

Only after we brought our canine friend home did I fully comprehend the magnitude of responsibility that accompanied canine care. From regular vet visits and buying dog supplies to the emotional investment necessary for establishing trust, the reality of caring for a dog was daunting. At first, it felt overwhelming; yet, over time, the companionship and love our dog offered us grew to outweigh the initial stress and discomfort.

The lesson I learned? Taking care of a dog isn’t a spontaneous decision to combat loneliness or fulfill a fleeting desire. It’s a commitment, a pledge to provide and care for a living being with needs just as complex as our own. Dogs, particularly, need proper and kind training – a challenge I struggled with but eventually overcame. So, if you’re not ready for that level of commitment, it’s okay to wait until you are.

2. Not Understanding the Breed and Its Characteristics

When we first laid eyes on our Jack Russell Terrier, her gloomy eyes tugged at our hearts and we couldn’t resist taking her home. However, our lack of understanding of the breed soon became a point of struggle.

From a timid puppy, she transformed into an exuberant, energy-filled dynamo. Characteristics common to her breed – high energy levels, intelligence, and a tendency to be aloof with other dogs – caught us by surprise. Our lack of knowledge on proper puppy socialization only exacerbated these challenges. After numerous stressful encounters at dog parks, it dawned on us that our dear puppy was uncomfortable around unfamiliar dogs.

This realization sparked a journey of educating myself about her breed, their behavior, and strategies for handling the challenges. It was a bumpy road, but the improvement in our dog’s behavior and our bond was worth the effort. My advice? Before you bring a dog home, thoroughly research the breed’s characteristics and ensure they align with your lifestyle and expectations.

3. Resorting to Aversive Training Methods

A major pitfall we fell into was the allure of quick-fix solutions to handle unwanted behaviors. When our terrier started to explore her vocal capabilities, we resorted to an anti-bark device. On the surface, it seemed to work; however, the subtle signs of discomfort and fear in Sushi’s demeanor were undeniable.

After weeks of use, I realized the “solution” was creating more harm than good and I started exploring compassionate alternatives. This led me to the path of positive reinforcement training. Since implementing this approach, we’ve seen a remarkable improvement in her behavior and our bond with her. As of this writing, I’m still working on her anxiety around strange dogs, but we’re making progress, one day at a time.

If you’re facing challenges in training your dog, I urge you to explore positive reinforcement training. While quick-fixes might seem appealing, they can cause emotional distress and damage the bond between you and your dog.

Looking back, I wish I had been better prepared before taking the plunge into canine care. However, despite the initial hurdles, I’m grateful for the experience. It has taught me the importance of humane dog training and fostered a deeper, more loving relationship with Sushi. The process was indeed challenging, but it was also profoundly rewarding. As with any significant life decision, proper research and understanding are key – and pet parenting is no exception.

This is our Sushi posing after running and walking around the baseball field.

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67 thoughts on “3 Mistakes I Made as a First-time Dog Caregiver”

  1. I am sorry you had to experience those things in the paat, Kapatid. I admire your humility and eagerness to learn. And because of that, I’d say your pets are very lucky to have you as their human.

    – Tina


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